Subscription FAQs

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

What is ForexHero?

ForexHero is an automated forex trading software that offers users the ability to configure trading logic into "bots" via a user-friendly interface. ForexHero will trade on the user's behalf automatically based on the entry and exit conditions set up by the user.

Do I need to deposit funds into ForexHero?

No, you do not need to. ForexHero is a pure Software-as-a-Service trading bot solution that executes trades via a connection to your broker. All funds are held safely by the respective brokers that you have accounts with.

Do I need to learn how to code in order to use ForexHero?

ForexHero removes the laborious task of learning programming in order for you to embark into the world of automated algorithmic trading. Our user interface is designed for the newly initiated and all components are laid out logically. In fact, a user can quickly setup an automated trading bot in a minute!

Can I use ForexHero as a signal provider and not to execute trades?

Absolutely! Many users are using ForexHero to inform them when is the best time to enter or exit a position. All you need to do is to setup the bot to trade on our Paper Exchange. The bot will inform you whenever a trade signal is generated. Notification methods include emails, app notifications and SMS (for Professional plan users). Read here for more details.

I need a more personalised support throughout the onboarding process. Does ForexHero offer a more premium support to help me get started?

Yes, ForexHero offers our passion-backed customer support called the White Glove Service. Our White Glove Service offers Premium and Professional subscribers access to our handholding process. We understand that sometimes a new user does not know what or how to configure a bot. Through our White Glove Service, we will engage with the subscriber to understand more about his/her trading objective and risk profile before creating a bot for him/her. For new subscribers, please email us at [email protected] to engage our White Glove Service.

Which plan do I need if I want to rent a bot from the Bots Marketplace?

You will need to subscribe to our Premium or Professional plan.

If I rent a bot from the Marketplace, can I configure which asset for it to trade on?

Yes, you can. The beauty of renting a bot from the Marketplace is that the bot's settings are configured by experienced traders saving you endless hours of trial-and-error on what settings work best for the bot's intended strategy.

Typically, how much is needed to run a bot?

The amount depends on you. We do not dictate how much capital is needed. You can go from as small as ten dollars to whatever capital you are willing to trade with. It depends on your risk profile and investment or trading objectives. ForexHero is not an investment product. We are a Software-as-a-Service platform that provides easy to use automated forex trading bots for traders.

Do I need a server or hosting (like VPS) to run ForexHero?

No, you do not need a server or subscribe to a hosting company to run ForexHero. ForexHero is a cloud-based Software-As-A-Service platform. There are tremendous resource requirements to run an automated trading system. ForexHero does the heavy lifting for you by removing the cost and hassle to run an automated trading software.

I am new to algorithmic trading and have no idea what to configure. Do you offer a marketplace where I can use proven strategies?

Yes, ForexHero has a Bots Marketplace that offers several bots for our users to quickly get started. Just select a bot from the marketplace and setup the bot to trade on your favorite forex asset. That is it! You can also check out our latest award winning Market Neutral Bot. Read the details >>

What makes ForexHero different from the rest?

ForexHero is designed to be extremely easy to use for new to advanced traders. Our technology has served real traders since early 2021 and is very robust. ForexHero's technology has performed more than a million backtests over the last few years. We continuously invest in R&D to deliver cutting edge technologies and features for our users.

Does ForexHero take a profit from our trade?

No. We believe that users deserve to keep all the profits made as the assets belong to them. More importantly, they bear all the risks. ForexHero only charges a fixed monthly fee for being a software solution provider.

Do you offer backtesting feature?

Yes, ForexHero offers a very powerful backtesting engine that generates results on your configured strategies within seconds. There is no cost to use our backtesting feature and our users can generate backtests as many times as needed.

Does ForexHero integrate with TradingView?

Yes, ForexHero offers a very intuitive way to integrate trading signals generated from TradingView. A user can setup a signal to buy a forex and another for selling.

Can I setup each forex trading bot to use only a fraction of my entire capital in my brokerage account? I do not want the bot to use up my whole capital.

Yes, you can definitely allocate a percentage of your capital to a bot. Each bot will not use more than your allocated capital.

As a Premium user, do I have to configure the bot myself or can I just rent any of the bot setup by other more experienced users from the Marketplace?

Yes, you can either configure a new bot yourself with your own strategy or rent any bot from our Bots Marketplace. All bots on the Marketplace are already pre-configured.

I have a bot that gives good returns. Can I submit it to the Bots Marketplace? Will I earn from the rental revenue?

Yes, you can submit your bot to our Marketplace if it meets the listing criteria. After your bot is approved for listing, you can start to earn additional income whenever a user rents your bot. Please view details on leasing your bots in our User Guide >>

Which brokers do you support at the moment?

Please refer to our latest list of supported brokers.